Sick Policy
If your child has any of the following you must provide a doctor's note upon child/childrens return.
Children will be sent home if their temperature is 100.0 or higher and must stay home the next day for observation. Children must be free of a fever for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. This also applies if your child develops a fever at home.
Vomits more than once. Keep your child home until there is no fever without using medicines for 24 hours and symptoms subside. also, keep your child home until he/she has not vomited for at least 24 hours.
Sore Throat
Sore throat, Fever, Headache, Stomach ache. Take your child to the doctor if he/she has these symptoms. Keep your child home until he/she is free of fever and on antibiotics for 24 hours.
Having loose poop (stool) more often that isn’t caused by a change in diet. Keep your child home until he/she has not had diarrhea for at least 24 hours. This includes children who wear diapers. If diarrhea occurs often or occur with a fever, rash or general weakness, call your child’s doctor.
Eye Infection
SIGNS: Watery eyes, itchy eyes, redness in whites of eyes, puffy eyelids, drainage from eyes NOTE: These symptoms may also be caused by allergies. Treat your child’s pinkeye as advised by his doctor. This may include antibiotics. Your child may return to school once treatment begins
Head Lice
SIGNS: Itching, scratching. Treat your child’s skin or scalp right away as advised by a doctor. Keep your child home until all live lice are gone. Check your child’s head for lice for 7 to 10 days. Re-treat, as needed.
Skin – pink, raised patches and mild itching Scalp – flaky or crusty patches, and hair loss. Treat your child’s skin or scalp as advised by his doctor. For skin - keep patches covered with a bandage. For scalp - teach your child not to share hats, brushes, combs, clothing or linens. Your child may return to school once treatment is started
Swelling, drainage, fever. Give antibiotics if advised by your child’s doctor. Your child may return to school once treatment is started. For open sores, keep covered until no more drainage. No close contact sports until all sites are healed.
Middle ear infections
Ear pain, fever Your child may attend school if comfort level allows
Red, oozing, blister-like rash on body or face Keep your child home until his doctor says it is OK to return to school.
Fever, chills,cold symptoms,body aches, sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Keep your child home until there is no fever without using medicines for 24 hours and symptoms subside. This is usually for 5 to 7 days. NOTE: Children with chronic health problems should have a flu shot each year.
Runny nose, scratchy throat, cough NOTE: These symptoms may also be caused by allergies. Your child may go to childcare with minor cold symptoms. If symptoms are worse than you might expect with a common cold, call your child’s doctor. Call right away if your child is not acting normally, has a fever or has any trouble breathing. If your child is unable to cover their mouths when coughing and sneezing they will not be allowed to be in care. If mucus is any color other than clear your child will not be allowed in care. If you have given your child medication (other than those for allergies) your child is not allowed in care.
Fever Red, itchy rash on body – changes from bumps to blisters to scabs Talk with your child’s doctor about treatment for your child. Keep your child home until all the bumps have scabs and no new bumps appear for 2 days. Tell the school and playmate’s parents if your child gets chickenpox. Children who have not yet had chickenpox should receive a shot (vaccine) to protect them from the disease.